Regaining my young physique
Weight | 143 lb | 133 lb |
Abdominal Organ Fat | 6 | 4.5 |
Waistline | 32 in | 29 in |
Body Age | 29 | 23 |
I'm not afraid of wearing slim clothes!
Name: Cheung Kwok Hei
Age: 26
Profession: *
Seeing my weight rise up to 70 kg at my heaviest due to my overeating, I knew it was time for me to start a detox program! I had undergone a 9 day detox in the past, but finding out about Organic Vision's special 30 Day weight loss and detox challenge motivated me to start over again. I knew this was the perfect opportunity for me to jumpstart good healthy eating and exercise habits once more.
I can honestly say that I am thrilled with my results! My weight has dropped and stabilized at around 60 kgs. My belly had disappeared after 3 weeks into my detox, and my biological age dropped too!
After my detox, not only did my physique change, but my health age returned to that of a 23 year old! I had reached my goal and I couldn't be more happier. I'm not shy of wearing form fitting clothing anymore too!
Many people think that only those who are older in age or who are sickly should detox. But the truth is young people should detox even more! It's just like my parents used to tell me-when you age, the body starts to break down too. But if we can maintain our bodies in a healthy condition, we will last longer and healthier into our older years. In fact, anybody at any age can undergo a detox cleanse. Whether your goal is to lose weight, heal a chronic illness or a severe health problem, detoxing is the way to go!
I can honestly say that I am thrilled with my results! My weight has dropped and stabilized at around 60 kgs. My belly had disappeared after 3 weeks into my detox, and my biological age dropped too!
After my detox, not only did my physique change, but my health age returned to that of a 23 year old! I had reached my goal and I couldn't be more happier. I'm not shy of wearing form fitting clothing anymore too!
Many people think that only those who are older in age or who are sickly should detox. But the truth is young people should detox even more! It's just like my parents used to tell me-when you age, the body starts to break down too. But if we can maintain our bodies in a healthy condition, we will last longer and healthier into our older years. In fact, anybody at any age can undergo a detox cleanse. Whether your goal is to lose weight, heal a chronic illness or a severe health problem, detoxing is the way to go!