Lost 13 pounds within a month!

weight 147 lb 134 lb
I'm not afraid of rebound weight anymore!

Name: Samuel Chan
Age: 21
Profession: Student

The reason why I first decided joined the 30 day Weight Loss Challenge was to lose weight and look better in my clothes. I wanted to target the fat my arms, as they didn't look good in slim fitting shirts.

After completing the challenge, I realized I had accomplished so much more than I bargained for! Not only did I lose 13 lbs in a month, but I could finally fit into fashionable clothes.

During the competition, I learnt to develop healthier lifestyle habits, such as drinking more water, exercising regularly, and intermittent fasting. I even learned to enjoy eating salads and avocados!

I have learned, that as long as we develop good eating habits, we will not gain the weight back even while on vacation. I was thrilled when I did not regain any of the weight back even after going on a 10 day trip to Thailand in August!