Issue 59.2014 |

13th Anniversary of OV, Special Offers in November!
This November, Organic Vision celebrates its 13th Anniversary! To express our thankfulness to all of your support, OV will be launching different product special offers on each of the Saturdays of November. ALL OV products, including supplements, aloe drinks, personal care series, will be offered in a special discounted pack. Please refer to the upcoming November’s Calendar for date of each product talks. First round of special offers will be a “Buy 5 get 1 free” for Hair Skin Bone on 1st November, so do not miss your opportunity! |
Nov Notice:
Nov 1 Product Talk - Hair Skin Bone
Nov 8
Product Training OV Product #1 - Organic Ingredients
Nov 15
Product Training OV Product #2 - Food not Vitamins
Sep 27
Product Training OV Product #3 - Raw Veg/Fruit Powders
Oct 4
Product Training OV Product #4 - Vegetarian Capsules
Eagle Action Training (EAT),
Training systems that keep on improving!
Entering our company’s 13th year, we will be pursuing bigger and better things. From November onwards, our training meetings will be adjusted: (1) In our Persistent Education Program every Monday night, Distributors will have the chance to become the main speaker, to upgrade their skills of educating others and become business leaders; (2) The monthly Consultant Training on Tuesday will be cancelled. Instead, we will have an Eagle Action Training (EAT) twice a month. This is a class suitable for those who have clear cut business goals and are striving towards accomplishing their dreams. Do you have dreams that you’re dying to fulfill? Then don’t hesitate and attend one of our training sessions! |
New Product Talks,
Upgrade your Product Selling Skills!
Do you know the uniqueness of OV products? Do you want to listen to real experiences of how OV products benefit people? Please attend the new product talks in November! On every Saturday, there will be product talks on different products, given by speakers who are experienced in using the products. You will be hearing the functions, benefits and experiences of using the products. You will also know the uniqueness of OV products comparing with other brands. Why not invite family and friends to attend and regain true health?
A Memorable Trip to Taiwan,
Visiting a Leader in the Direct-Selling Industry – Eddy Chai!
19 Winners of OV’s Taiwan Trip started their journey on 16th September with OV founders Paul & Afreen. Destination? Taipei. They all enjoyed an amazing holiday, visiting tourist attractions and feasted on countless delicious delicacies in Taipei. The most exciting part of the trip was meeting a leader in the direct-selling, industry Mr. Eddy Chai! His welcoming talk was both educational and enlightening. Some featured photos of this Taiwan Trip have been uploaded to our website. Please re-visit this page and take a walk through this fun filled vacation. |
30-Day Organic Detox,
A Tumor in Ovary Disappeared!
Problem:My name is Esther and I work in the pharmaceutical industry as an operational manager. Because of the stressful nature of my job, I have cultivated poor eating habits and always sleep late. All these factors have significantly caused my health to deteriorate. Since March, I started to feel abnormally tired very often. I had to sleep till 2 or 3 in the afternoon every day.
Since July, I constantly felt pain around my waist and back. I then decided to do a total body checkup. I was told that I had a 3cm² tumor in my left ovary! The doctor was not optimistic about that, so he wrote me a letter to refer me to a specialist, and suggested surgery.
Solution:Fortunately I had a chance to get to know Organic Vision’s detox concept, so I did not choose to undergo surgery. Instead, I underwent a 30-Day organic detox, as well as a gallstone flush four times.
During the detox, I strictly adhered to the eating guidelines laid out from the detox program, and successfully got rid of unhealthy eating habits.
After the detox, I did a body checkup again and this time the doctor told me that there was no tumor to be found! What a miracle!
I am so relieved that such a big health threat was solved in a natural and healthy way. I have rebuilt a new healthy lifestyle, and have so much more energy. Thank you OV for changing my life!
Copyright © 2014 Organic Vision Limited
Tel : 21919991 Fax : 21911114