Issue 68.2016 |

Newly promoted Single Star Consultant and New Star Consultants
Of the first quarter of 2016
April 25th was a very special evening, why? It was our first awards night of 2016, as well as our Osaka & Kyoto Japanese trip Sharing Night. Let us now recall the evening’s highlights. Our first part of the program was awarding those who stood out amongst the rest in their business expansion efforts during the months January-March, creating our excelling Distributors. This season saw the birth of our Single Star Consultant Maggie, and our New Star Consultants Bon and Grace. There were also recipients of our Enroll Awards, Retail Awards and many new Consultants. They all related how the OV business opportunity and products benefitted them. Our Single Star Consultant Maggie related how she had re-discovered her dreams, happiness and confidence after getting to know Organic Vision. Her goal now is to continue improving herself, to become more professional and to help more people attain good health and accomplish their dreams. No doubt we all benefitted from their heartfelt expressions. Thank you and congratulations once again to all our award winners! |
Osaka Kyoto Trip Sharing Night,
Winners share their experiences of indulgence!
8 of our Distributor winners of the Japan Osaka Kyoto Trip just returned from their fun filled vacation on April 22nd. Our Awards Night on the 25th replayed their freshly experienced pictures and video clips, as well as first hand experiences shared by the winners. They enjoyed staying at the luxurious Osaka Hilton Hotel, using their fabulous facilities and services, including the hotel’s exclusive lounge. They feasted on local Japanese delicacies, including Kobe Beef Teppanyaki with free flowing expensive red wine! During this cherry blossom season, they explored various parts of the city including the beautiful Kyoto. They got a chance to wear the delicate Kimono, as well as explore the vintage traditional Japanese streets, experiencing Japan’s unique flavor! They also got to shop at an outlet, bringing lots of goodies back to Hong Kong! It was definitely a luxurious enviable vacation! You can also experience such a fantastic trip if you set your mind to it and win our 2016 travel incentive awards! |
The birth of a new winner of our Speech Contest,
With this season’s new addition of the “non-competitive” segment
April was also the month of our Speech Contests! This is a fine opportunity for Distributors to train their public speaking skills, in order to become future great public speakers. This time we had 4 finalists: Ann, James, Ben and Melissa. They each delivered a charismatic speech entitled “The Importance of breaking limiting beliefs”. The final winner was Melissa, she possessed a magnetic stage presence, with a coherent and logical argument. She certainly did not appear to be a first timer at all! After the end of the contest, we added a new segment entitled “n on-competitive speech” where distributors who were not participants of the speech contest could join freely to give speeches under the same title without earning any points to liven up the atmosphere. We were delighted to be entertained by our training program speaker Osman and previous speech contest winner Harvey. We look forward to having more enthusiastic distributors join in our speech contest in July!
The use of a new all natural sweetener in
Aloe Fusion & Aloe in Mix!
Our prized product-Organic Active Aloe Fusion and Aloe in Mix have upgraded! How? We have decided to use ‘Stevia’- an even more natural and safe sweetener in our new batch of Aloe Fusion & Aloe in Mix. Stevia is a naturally sweet plant found in nature, which has been widely used in South America, Brazil and Paraguay for years as a sweetener. It contains zero calories, does not damage teeth, does not affect blood sugar levels. Even diabetics can safely ingest it. Combined with our tried and tested 100% organic “Active Aloe”, using the revolutionary low temperature drying technique, preserving all of its enzymes and nutrients, we have created a delicious and safe Aloe Vera drink. It heals your digestive tract and reduces inflammation. Start taking Aloe Fusion and Aloe in Mix today to start experiencing its power! |

Using the Organic Detox to heal the sudden swelling of the brain lumbar
And the eruption of rashes!
Name: Ersilia Wong
Problem: During Christmas of 2015, she had an unforgettable experience. That day, I experienced a sharp pain from the top of my head down to the bottom part of my brain. Try to imagine: It was the same feeling as tearing a tendon in your leg, but it was happening to my brain. I was in so much pain I thought I was going to die. I found a few suspicious lumps growing from the back of my neck. To my horror, I also felt a huge lump the size of an egg on the back of my head! I also found rashes on my neck and jaw. My family was all on vacation at the time, and there were no available doctors to visit the holiday. I was desperate!
Solution: Just before this massive outbreak, I had suffered from the flu and believed this is to be some form of infection related to the flu. I thought: if I chose the traditional medical method, I would have to take painkillers, anti-histamines and anti-biotics etc…this was not how I wanted to heal myself. Thankfully, I had already known of OV’s concept of the organic detox, so I immediately decided to go through with it. During that month, I went through 2 rounds of the 9 day detox, following the solid food diet plan in between, as well as 1 round of a gallstone flush. Do you know what happened after a month? The detox not only fixed my problem of sudden presence of mysterious lumps on my head and neck as well as the pain, but my entire health had improved! I stepped on the electric scale and to my surprise I was 19 years younger than my biological age! I also received compliments from others saying that I looked prettier. My visceral fat and subcutaneous fat levels returned to normal. I didn't even need to take a single pill and I managed to achieve such amazing results! It was definitely the best choice I made! |
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