Issue 56.2014 |

Ringing in 2014 with a Bang,
Awards Night Breaks The Record!
Let's recap on some of the highlights of the 1st Quarter of our 2014 Awards Night! From January through March, the total number of new consultants, enrollers award and star rank winners were twice as much as those of our previous awards ceremony. We even had the most Gold Enrollers Award winners in the history of Organic Vision. We are also proud have a new Double Star Consultant Ducky, and a new Single Consultant Pimond. Their personal journeys really inspired and encouraged us. We are so proud to see our distributors working so hard in building their business in the beginning of this year. We are looking forward to hearing more good news at our 2nd Quarter Awards Night in July! |
May & Jun Notice:
May 17 FDP Tutorial #3 - Do 5 Days Solids
May 24
FDP Tutorial #4 Redo 2 Days Liquids
May 31
FDP Tutorial #5 After Detox Steps
Jun 7
Product Talk - Fat Burn
Jun 14
Health Talk - Prevent Heart Disease
Jun 21
Full Detox Packs
Jun 28
Beauty Talk - Organic Youthful Serums
Recalling our 4 Major Award Night Highlights!
What do you think was the most impressive moment of the night? Perhaps it was the well-decorated venue with all the pink paper curtains and fresh flowers, matching the theme of the night- “Spring Pink”; Maybe it was our energetic MC duo, Marco and Fish, who taught us some cool aerobic dance moves; Perhaps it was when Ashley won the Best Outfit Awards, or the delicious catering after the program. Whatever that moment was, the night was a huge success, with distributors enjoying the food and the time chatting with business partners and leaders. Thanks to all who made this night possible! |
Guess Who the Winner of April's Speech Contest Was?
We had a very exciting speech contest this time round with a grand total of 18 contestants! The four finalists were Vanessa, Kenneth, Pimond, and Amos who joined the competition for the first time. They entered the finale on 23rd April with the theme entitled-“Learn, Act, Teach──Are these important?” All the contestants performed very well. Eventually, Vanessa won the competition, and due to their excellent performances, all other three contestants became runner-ups. Congratulations! Would you like to be an excellent public speaker? Join the upcoming speech contest in July!
Launch of the 9-Day Detox Tutorials,
Your Step by Step Guide to Health!
Organic Vision always encourages people to complete a thorough organic detox program. Not only do we educate others on nutrition and the importance of detoxing, but we also offer them a practical method of how to detox their bodies. Which is why we have decided to make a series of video tutorials demonstrating how to accomplish a 9-Day organic detox. From preparation to procedures, we clearly explain the ins and outs of embarking on this cleanse. The tutorials are easy to follow and understand. They are filmed in English, with Chinese subtitles, and include live demonstrations. You can find the link to these videos on our website at www.organicvision.net. You may show the tutorials to anyone who is interested in detoxing, to help educate them on how to successfully accomplish this amazing detox program. |
The Organic Detox Improves Avascular Necorsis,
And Reverses Early Menopause!
Problem: My name is King, I work in sales and I am a mother of two daughters. In 2005, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was very depressed and hoped to find a cure as soon as possible. I underwent surgery to remove my left breast. After that I underwent chemotherapy and took hormone drugs. This brought along a whole host of problems including hair loss, nausea, Avascular Necorsis, early menopause which caused amenorrhea, vaginal dryness and itching. I suffered from these painful side effects for 5 years with no signs of improvement.
Solution: In February of 2013, I had the chance to get to know Organic Vision’s full detox program and their quality organic products. Since then, I have completed the 9-Day organic detox 6 times so far, with astonishing results. After finishing the detox program, my monthly cycle is back to normal! In addition, taking Hair Skin Bone greatly relieved the chronic pain I felt in my bones. Moreover, ViaGal helped to relieve my vaginal dryness and itching problem. I am so happy and grateful to finally get rid of all the physical and emotional pain I suffered for years and to regain my health. Thank you OV for changing my life! |
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