Health Talk Series,
Teaching you how to acquire health!
We all want to enjoy the gift of good health, which all starts with accurate knowledge! In the upcoming series of health talks, our company’s founder Afreen will take us through a variety of health topics. Indigestion, heartburn etc… all affect the quality of our lives. Would you like to maintain a healthy digestive tract? Please pay attention to march 5th’s topic “Healthy Digestion”! Is there a natural side effect free method to get rid of annoying sinus allergies? March 12th’s topic “Allergy Relief Without Medication” will answer that question! How can women protect their reproductive organs, avoiding unnecessary surgery? March 19th’s topic “Healthy Women, Healthy Organs” will explain it to you! How do we prevent the toxic poison of heavy metals? Please attend our April 2nd’s talk “Consequences of Heavy Metals”! If you would like to be healthy, please don’t miss out! |
Using the Organic Detox instead of medication,
Got rid of 5 years of hyper-thyroidism!
Name: Grace Cheung
Problem: Although I am a young person, but 5 years ago I faced a very serious health problem-The doctor confirmed that I suffered from hyper-thyroidism. Right when I found out, my thyroxine levels were at 70, way over the normal levels. My heart rate reached levels of 120-130 beats per minute (normal heart rates are 80-90). This resulted in an abnormally fast metabolism, resulting in my body being in a constant state of exercising. That is why I could not exercise, had difficulty sleeping, and suffered from low energy levels each day. This illness caused mood fluctuations, sweating, shaking etc…which resulted in having difficulty living a normal life and going to school, even important public exams were almost impossible to pass.
Solution: I used to rely on Western medicine to control my illness, its side effects would be lowering my immune function, but I had no choice. One time, due to abnormally high levels of thyroxine and heart rate levels, I was admitted to hospital. The doctor suggested I take the Iodine-131. This type of medication will remove the ability of the thyroid to function normally, leaving the patient reliant on drugs to supply thyroxine for the rest of their lives. The doctor said that there would be no other solutions to my issue. I tried the medication out of desperation with no visible results. I was very upset, but thankfully my thyroid had not completely stopped working afterwards.
After a couple more years of no improvement and despair, I finally found my breakthrough I the year 2015-I got to know Organic Vision’s Organic Detox program! The first time I tried the 9 day detox, I stopped taking my medication as well. To my surprise, it improved my moods, digestion and constipation problem, increasing my confidence in OVs products! I knew that such a long clinical illness would not heal itself overnight, so I was determined to continue detoxing until I was fully healed.
Finally, I continued the detox program for 37 days and performed a liver flush as well. My thyroxine levels dropped to 12 levels lower than a normal person! A few months later when I went to get a body check up, my hyper-thyroidism did not relapse, my problem had finally disappeared!
A chronic illness and dire problem was finally solved after all these years. Words cannot express how grateful and overjoyed I am!