Issue 55.2014 |

2013 Travel Incentive Winners
Win Trips to Malaysia and Milan!
The list of travel incentive winners have been announced! Let us congratulate to Pursy and Liu Shuling who won a trip to Malaysia, as well as to Frankie, Banny, Freda and Lily who won trips to both Malaysia and Milan! On 25 February, our group of distributors went on their all expense paid with our company founders Paul and Afreen to Malaysia and Singapore! They got the chance to experience Singapore’s relaxing atmosphere, Singapore's famous array of cuisine and dining, as well as a jam packed schedule of activities. Would you like to win the chance to go on a free trip with Organic Vision? Act now and win our travel incentive 2014! |
Mar & Apr Notice:
Mar 15 Health Talk - Prevent Periodontal Disease
Mar 22
Product Talk - Fat-Burn
Mar 29
Detox Talk - Benefit your stomach
Apr 2
Full Detox Packs
Apr 12
Health Talk - Prevent Cancer
Apr 16
Product Talk - Org Aloe Fusion & Aloe Mix
Apr 26
Detox Talk - Benefit your intestine
Year-end Awards Night,
Distributors Well Dressed in RED!
Remember the theme of our 2013 Annual & third Stage Awards Night? RED! Our distributors all showed up dressed in something red. Gigi and Ducky were so creative they won "Best outfit of the night". The colourful photos from that night can be seen in this issue of e-news. Please feel free to join our next fun filled awards night and we looking forward to seeing you there! |
Various Programs in April:
Talks, Contests & Awards Night!
OV will be holding lots of upcoming programs to help distributors in developing their businesses.
Would you like to discover just how powerful our products are and increase your health knowledge? We invite you to listen in on our Health Talk entitled: "Prevent Cancer" on the 12th of April and our Detox Talk: "Benefit your intestines" on the 26th. We will also be hosting a speech contest, so if you want to hone in your public speaking skills, don't miss this opportunity to try out! On 30th of the month, we will have the first quarter awards night of 2014. Who will be the very first award winners of this year? Join us on the night and find out!
Amazing Business Tool,
The New Series of Product Flyers!
Do you want to sell Organic Vision's products more effectively? Our new series of product flyers will be great tools to help you. Each flyer introduces the benefits, major ingredients and functions of individual products with simple explanations and images. These flyers are easy to understand and supported with research from academic journals. Customers will be able to quickly understand the power of our organic products! We have currently published the flyers for our organic serums, Detox Greens and FAT-BLOC supplements, the others will be out soon. This convenient and reliable tool can be purchased from our office and downloaded from the e-business kit! |
Global Online Platform,
E-Commerce Assists your Business Management!
If you want to manage your OV business in a more organized and comprehensive way, joining our e-commerce plan is the best option for you. It is a safe and convenient online platform which allows you to sign up new distributors to your team at any time and place to expand your network. You can also check your business value points every week, your team tree, and make purchases online. Joining the e-commerce plan also allows you to access our multimedia library containing audio recordings of different meetings and the digital form of business tools. If you are striving to develop your own business, joining our e-commerce plan will surely give you much help. |
Organic Detox relieved 40-year long battle with Asthma and an inflamed Goiter!
Problem: I am Annie and I am an accountant. Since I was a little girl, I had suffered from asthma for more than 40 years. These days, I always need to bring my nasal spray wherever I go because my asthma is easily triggered in response to dust, so my daily activities are greatly restricted. Also, I have an inflammed goiter and the doctor suggested I undergo surgery. Due to these health problems, hospital became part of my life. In May 2013, I was admitted to the hospital again because of my asthma. I couldn't spend as much time with my family which made me really upset. I really wished there was a way to regain my health!
Solution: Two weeks after leaving the hospital, I had a chance to get to know about Organic Vision's detox concept, so I decided to complete a 9-day organic detox. I could feel a change in my body after just a short period of time. Even my family could tell that I became more energetic. I still had the energy to play with my son after working for a whole day. I continued using OV products and now my asthma problem has greatly improved. I no longer need to take asthma medications. I can even go hiking without a problem! Also, the doctor told me that my goiter problem has gone so I do not need to undergo surgery anymore now! Another bonus of undergoing the organic detox is that I lost a total of 20 lbs. OV's organic detox really changed my life. Having good health frees me and gives me true joy. Thank you so much Organic Vision for helping me! |

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