Issue 63.2015 |

OV's distributors embarked on a 15 day tour of New Zealand & Australia, and were blown away by the gorgeous sceneries!
In May, 6 of our distributors and winners of the Queenstown Travel Incentive award-Banny, Lily, Regine, Fish, Ducky and Pursy flew to New Zealand’s Queenstown and Australia’s Sydney and Gold Coast together with our company’s founders. They were mesmerized by the beautiful snowy Southern Alps reflected in the turquoise blue lakes. They enjoyed Queenstown famous entertainment attractions, including riding their skyline luges and zip lining. Would you like to see how beautiful Queenstown’s sights are for yourself? Want to know what other places they visited? Our Queenstown album has now been uploaded to our website, feel free to take a look at the beautiful exciting imagery! |
July & Aug Notice:
July 25
Detox Training - After Detox Maintenance
Aug 1
Product Training - Best choice OV
Aug 8
Product Training - Best choice OV
Aug 15
Detox Training - Why Detox Is Healthy?
Aug 22
Detox Training - Why Liquid Day Is Critical?
Aug 29
Detox Training - Why Solid Days Is Needed?
The 2nd half of our bi-annual Travel Incentive destination has been announced: Japan's Osaka and Tokyo!
The second half of our bi-annual Travel incentive Asian destination will be Japan’s 2 hottest cities. Osaka, home to luxurious shopping malls and streets, as well as the world class theme park-Universal Studios, makes this city a shopping and entertainment paradise. Tokyo, a city full of antique Japanese architecture and infrastructure, is also a popular tourist destination for viewing cherry blossoms. Would you like to embark on a fun filled trip with your business partners to Tokyo and Osaka? Do not hesitate, act now and take a look on how you can qualify on our website and posters in our office. |
New Retail Awards will be given out on July 27th ,
the second quarter of our Awards Ceremony
Warning! This Awards Night will have some exciting new developments: Aside from our regular Enroller and New Consultant Awards, we will have a new class of awards handed out-Gold or Silver Retail Awards and New Star Consultant Awards. There will be an interview section so don’t miss out! And the most exciting part of all will be the recognition of the winners of our last Travel Incentive awards to Bangkok, where they will be invited to share their secrets! And of course we will have our regular Best Dressed Award ceremony. The theme color of the night will be yellow and the person with the best taste, style and creativity will be our winner. With such an exciting program, we warmly invite you to join us for the celebration!
A new Saturday training program,
Teaching you the ins and outs of detoxing!
In the months of July and August, we will have a new series of detox training programs where we will guide you step by step on how to embark on a successful detox. This includes how to do your juice fasting days, how and what to eat during for your solid meals and how to maintain your new eating habits post-detox. You will be equipped with knowledge on how to best detox for yourself and your whole family! We will have different guests share their personal experiences, about how they were able to overcome various health problems after completing Organic Vision’s Full Detox Program. A gentle reminder: please come dressed in your exercise attire, as we will have our trainers teach our audience exercise moves to enhance your detox experience. Happy learning! |
The Organic Detox helped me lose 27.8 lbs, regaining my figure 21 years before!
Name: Maggie Ngan
Occupation: Furniture Merchant
Problem:My weight has always been an issue for me. I have 3 children, and I always try my best to feed them the best possible nutritious foods. However, I always end up eating all their leftovers, due to the fact that I never like to waste anything. Very soon, the extra weight crept up on me and I ballooned. I was also severely bloated as I developed a water retention problem. My weight yo-yoed between 138 to 150 lbs, and I always appeared plump. During this period of time, I never kept any photographs of myself. Why? Because all I would see is my huge stomach and chubby arms. It took a toll on my self esteem.
Solution:I tried to lose weight using different methods, including diet pills, joining aerobic dance classes, and even wrapped my body with Chinese medicinal herbs. I only ended up losing 5 lbs, and quickly regained all the weight back. All I did was end up wasting huge amounts of my money and time, which took a toll on my energy levels too. Afterwards, after being introduced to Organic Vision by a friend, I was intrigued by the ability of the company’s detox program’s claim of helping people lose body fat. I decided to try it and to my astonishment, I lost a total of 13.8 lbs! I also learned new healthy eating habits which prevented me from gaining the weight back. I was determined to keep on losing more weight so I embarked on a 45 day detox until I reached the weight of 123.8 lbs! It’s as if I’ve gone back in time 21 years ago and regained my pre-pregnancy body back! It feel amazing and I feel more confident than I’ve felt in years! |
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