OV’s Bangkok trip has come and gone,
distributors enjoyed local delights and massages!
13 distributors and their families, together with company founders Paul & Afreen, all embarked on a 5 day 4 night vacation to Bangkok, Thailand. They all had the luxury of staying at the five star hotel Conrad Bangkok, enjoying their facilities including a beautiful scenic swimming pool and a fully equipped gym. During their trip they enjoyed Bangkok’s wonderful array of delicacies, local Thai massages and spas, affordable souvenirs and a 3D art museum. It was a memorable trip as they shared their experiences with their business partners. The highlights of this trip have already been posted onto our website for everyone to enjoy. |
Taking health supplements helped a 14 month baby’s bones grow stronger, and relieved her fever issue!
Mother: Ann Child: Hei Yi
Hello everyone, my name is Ann and I want to share my story with my daughter, Hei Yi with everyone. While I was pregnant, I had lower back pain issues. My younger sister introduced me to Organic Vision’s health supplements. Once I understood that they were natural food supplements rather than medicine drugs, I took them without any worries or concerns. I religiously took Hair Skin Bone everyday to target my lower back pains, which greatly relieved my aches and pains for the rest of my pregnancy. Neither did I experience any bloating or acne issues which pregnant women often have.
After Hei Yi was born, I continued feeding her OV’s Hair Skin Bone, Reishi Plus and Organic Aloe Fusion. When she was 10 months old, I took her to have her health checkup and she could already stand all by herself! The doctor said her bones were growing very nicely, that she could start learning how to swim and run at 11 months!
Once, when she was 14 months old, she contracted bronchitis, with a fever running as high as 40 degree Celcius. She had to stay at the hospital for the night and take antibiotics for a week before things started to stabilize. Afterwards, she started developing a high fever again, even the doctors couldn’t find out what was wrong. We had to go through 4 different rounds of anti-fever medications and he suggested us to take her blood samples at the hospital.
The thought of such a young child having to go through the pain of getting her blood taken was just too frightening for me! So I refused to go through with it. I simply let her take the anti-fever drugs, but even that didn’t go to the bottom of her illness. Which is why I took the matter into my own hands and let my daughter take even more dosages of Reishi Plus, Bee Young and Aloe Fusion to strengthen her immune system. In 2 days her fever disintegrated from a high to a low one, and she was back on her feet in no time! I was so grateful to find a natural remedy for Hei Yi’s plight. And now, she is blossoming and growing up healthy, making me a proud mother!